Tongkat Ali, Powerful Herbal for Male Testosterone Booster

Known as Pasak Bumi in Indonesia, Tongkat Ali in Malaysia, as well as Eurycoma Longifolia and the Latin scientific name, the plant is grown throughout Southeast Asia.
What amazing benefits generated by the Tongkat Ali and how this amazing herb can do. Just as women, male menopause may also lose sexual desire due to various causes.One of them is due to the low or lack of testosterone in the blood so as to reduce sexual function. In medical terms is called Testosterone Deficiency Syndrome (TDS).

Testosterone plays a role in develop and maintain libido and male behavior. Tongkat Ali works by increasing the production of testosterone in the body.The hormone testosterone is necessary for the growth and development of male reproductive organs and useful to :

Increase sexual desire.
Makes bones stronger.
Increase muscle density.
Reduce body fat.
Increase the rate of burning energy and oxidative phosphorylation.
Increase the formation of blood cells that help maintain high energy levels and speed up
regeneration and recovery after illness or after injury.
Improve brain function including memory.
Reduce stress and help maintain a happy mood.
The only complete special herbal for man.
Forming and beautify the muscle.
Improving physical and sexual energy.
Increase sexual desire.
Increasing the production of testosterone in the body.
Helps cure sexual dysfunction in men.
Help cure premature ejaculation.
Help cure impotence.
Increase confidence.
Totally safe and without risk!

Tongkat Ali contain biologically active elements called Euro Peptides were able to increase DHEA and stimulates the testosterone hormone-free production, same time pressing the inhibiting hormone that is, SHBG (Sex Hormone Binding Globulin).

How does Tongkat Ali works ?
Tongkat Ali herb works by increasing testosterone levels in the body. This is different from artificial testosterone such as anabolic steroids. Artificial testosterone causes a negative reaction from the pituitary gland and the hypothalamus.

Two of these glands secrete a variety of hormones that send signals to the Leydig cells and other cells that synthesize testosterone to inhibit the production of testosterone. This will lead to shrinkage of the male penis size especially in the testes. Official medical term for this condition is testicular atrophy. The Tongkat Ali works contrary at all with the artificial testosterone.

Basically, Tongkat Ali accelerate the testosterone production by inhibiting testosterone negative feedback reaction. Tongkat Ali works such that an increase in the level of testosterone in the body does not affect the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. Therefore, both the gland does not send any signal to stop the synthesis of testosterone.

Testosterone metabolism will launch up to raise libido in men. Research Science University of Malaysia regarding the effects of Tongkat Ali in castrated rats showed that at day 32, testosterone levels increased and the rats become sexually active.

The link between testosterone and depression revealed through the results of a research experts at the University of Western Australia foraround 4,000 men aged 70 years and over.

The men who have low testosterone levels are three times as likely to suffer depression compared to those high hormone levels. Experts who published the findings in the Archives of General Psychiatry reveals, testosterone levels can influence an important compound in the brain that lead to depression.

Why Tongkat Ali is Better?
As herbs, Tongkat Ali is used as a single medicinal plants and also a major component in a variety of herbal medicines to treat a variety of diseases such as malaria, cancer cure, improve sexual function in men, helping to raise the muscle and is known throughout the world as a powerful aphrodisiac.

As herbal remedy, Tongkat Ali also do not have the side effects found in other medicines that contain chemicals. A number of studies were conducted to test the toxicity showed that Tongkat Ali is safe for consumption even in high doses. It makes the Tongkat Ali herbal medicine versatile and unmatched.

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September 4, 2018 at 4:30 AM delete

References - Paul, S. (2018, September 4). Testofen Fenugreek Research Studies: Benefits, Dosage & Side Effects Guide! Retrieved September 4, 2018, from
