Why Paleo Diet Not Working On Your Body?

Research in biology, biochemistry, ophthalmology, dermatology and many other disciplines shows that our modern diet full of processed foods, trans fats and sugars which is the root of degenerative diseases such as obesity, cancer, diabetes, heart disease, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, depression and infertility.

On a study conducted over 15 years by Dr. Loren Cordain, that the paleo diet is able to give a stunning effect in patients with PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome). This diet works well for women with auto immune, thyroid, and hormonal problems.

The paleo diet can lose weight quickly for the following reasons:

This diet actually pulled sugar, dairy, and processed foods. Where most of these foods are rich in calories and carbohydrates and low in fiber and nutrients.

Paleo diet does not tolerate the main meal or a very sensitive with today’s modern diet including gluten, lectins are found in nuts and seeds, casein and whey which is found in milk and soy.

But in some people the paleo diet does not provide significant results. Some people even do not lose one ounce weight with a paleo diet. Here are some reasons:

Too Much Fat

It is not entirely bad fats for our health even though the fat saturated fat. But we can not put it in the body too much. Fat is one of the main factors that raise your weight. Consider also your nut consumption. Nuts are a source of healthy fat and delicious snack.

However, many people who do not know how much is nuts we should consume per day. Nuts can raise calories faster than you think. So what’s the solution? You can replace your protein from red meat with fish and chicken or choose raw vegetables and some nuts than a handful of nuts.

Too Many Yams

Carbohydrate intake every each person is different. Too much or too little will make it difficult to lose weight.

Frequency of Eating.

In addition to considering the intake of carbohydrates, the other thing to consider is the frequency of eating. Paleo diet eating rules implementing only three times a day.

Some of you do not have enough body healthy conditions for starve in every 5 hours without eating. Many of these people end up having less body energy, poor memory, and even shaking if not often eat. However, if you can adjust your body with only three meals a day, and if you can arrange your appetite and make good

choices when you eat, then eat only three meals a day will not be a problem. If you are followers paleo diet and your weight still does not go down, then the rules mentioned above that may make your body can not be parallel with the paleo diet program.

Paleo diet is actually very suitable for you are who want to give effects of shock on the body in order to re-burn fat. But on the other hand, this diet is dangerous if you are do it continuously, for that always keep healthy eating patterns and exercising in order to get into shape, fit and healthy.

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