Male and Female Infertility Causes, Signs and Treatment


When a couple fails to conceive a child after performing repetitive sexual activity at least for a year without using any form of birth control method, then that situation is considered as Infertility.

In the past, infertility was labeled as a female problem, but gradually (thanks to several researches conducted) it has deduced that men are equally responsible for unsuccessful conception.

Conception is a result of a complex combination of several factors. Don’t take unnecessary stress as it is considered as one of the primary causes for infertility. Thorough examination and timely treatment would help treating infertility problem. Before getting into further details, let’s get acquainted with some of the major causes of infertility in both men and women.

Causes of infertility in men
Low sperm count is considered as the most common cause of male infertility. For a healthy male, an average sperm count is about 90 million sperm per milliliter. And at least 40 to 60 million sperms are necessary for fertilisation. In infertility cases, the sperm count in men drop to less than 20 million.

There are several factors affecting sperm count in men. Low level of testosterone is one of the primary reasons. An excessive exposure to chemicals or radiations could lead to low sperm count. Engaging in frequent sexual activities also depletes the sperm supply. In summer, avoid wearing tight underwear or pants as the heat generated by them lower sperm count.

Sometimes, local infection or a medicine’s side effect also hampers sperm count in men. The ultra-fast changing lifestyles along with work pressure and stress are contributing factors to the male infertility. People who are working in heavy, drug manufacturing industries are prone to male infertility. Acute diabetes, obesity and sexually transmitted diseases can also lead to infertility in men.

Causes of Infertility in women
Not only men, women may be infertile because of a variety of conditions. Struggling with infertility can be extremely devastating especially for a woman. In women, tubal blockage, uterine problems, age, overweight are some of the most identified causes. Most common factors considered as the cause of infertility in women include – a pH imbalance, pelvic inflammatory disease, sexually transmitted disease, hormone imbalance, emotional issues including stress, alcohol use, smoking, etc.

Pelvic inflammatory disease is another medical problem causing infertility in women. In this, an infection passes from the vagina through cervix, uterus and fallopian tubes and thus raises the risk of infertility in women. Poor egg quality is another reason for fertility problems in women. The quality and number of eggs your ovaries produce often declines significantly with age.

Cause identified? What Next?

Discovering and understanding the exact cause of infertility can be a lengthy and frustrating process. Once the exact cause is detected, next step is its treatment. There are several treatments available in the medical sciences to treat infertility successfully. Different treatments take different time. Some patients show prompt result from the treatment and some don’t. Exact treatment is entirely dependent on the cause of infertility.

According to medical experts, many couples who have a proper infertility evaluation and treatment will be able to have a successful pregnancy. Don’t forget to consult an infertility expert because a good team of doctors including gynecologist, embryologist and endocrinologist always helps in attaining better and faster results.

Sperm Donation

Like egg donation, sperm donation is a process where a male donates his sperm for the purpose of inseminating (naturally or artificially) a woman. Age of a sperm donor should be between 18 and 40 years.

Fertility Drugs

There are some fertility drugs available in the market that helps regulate reproductive hormones in women. There are some side effects attached, so it is advisable to consult your gynecologist before taking any fertility drugs. Success rates are moderate ranging from 20 percent to 60 percent.


Surrogacy is very popular and commonly adopted way/ treatment for childless couples. It is adopted where the chances of pregnancy of the intended mother is less because the weak uterus. Apart from surrogacy, many childless couples are now adopting egg donation treatment. Not every woman can donate eggs. More and more childless couples are opting for kids through this method While opting for surrogacy, you must seek all legal advice before proceeding with the procedure.


Surgery is another option. It is adopted in situations where a woman has blocked fallopian tubes. In men, blocked channel to carry sperms up to the penis can cause infertility. Surgery is the only alternative in such cases. This infertility treatment is costly.

In Vitro-Fertilisation

In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) is an effective treatment of infertility. It is adopted when the root-cause has been identified as ovulation problem in females or poor quality of sperms in the male. When natural conception is near to impossible, doctors usually go for external fertilisation.

Egg Donation

Another viable treatment option is egg donation. It is a process of taking eggs out of a female’s body and giving them to another woman. Who requires an egg donor? Egg donation is required in women whose ovaries have prematurely failed or have undergone treatments like chemotherapy for cancer or who are suffering from severe tuberculosis. The donor should be less than 33 years of age. The success rate of egg donation is moderate ranging from 30 to 40 percent.

Some lifestyle modifications treat infertility

Apart from these medical treatments available, there are some lifestyle changes or modifications that help prevent/treat temporary infertility problems. Stop smoking and limit alcohol consumption. There are several studies published saying that men who smoke more than five cigarettes a day are prone to infertility problems.

Maintaining a healthy weight helps normalize ovulation in women. Stress is one of the main causes of infertility. Do deep breathing exercises/ meditation to reduce stress level. Reduced stress level help improve the chances of successful pregnancy. For men, moderate exercise regime helps reduce unnecessary body fat and increase libido. It is beneficial if you take the stairs instead of the lift.

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